Monday, September 10, 2012

Back in PDT

Got into Las Vegas after dark tonight.  A long haul from…where was I?  Tennessee was my last post.  Saturday day/night was drive, sleep, trading off driving with Ananda.  Sunday night was spent in Albuquerque, NM, which I will talk about in a separate blog article.  But now, I am back in the Pacific Time Zone and feeling much closer to home, even if I am in the crazy adult Disneyland of Vegas.  Talk about Babylon!

I figured out that to post a comment to this blog without a profile, you can use the pull down ‘select profile’ menu and click ‘anonymous’.  That could make this blog a lot more interesting.

We stopped for breakfast on Sunday morning at a small family-owned café in Santa Rosa, AZ.  It was on Route 66 and had old car pictures, jukeboxes, old 45 records hanging from the ceiling, and family pictures on the wall, including a memorial to her father who passed away on 11/27/06.  As we ate, one of the waitresses was in the parking lot, reading the van.  I went to the front to pay and she said she had been looking for a sticker form the café for me, but couldn’t find one.  We chatted a bit, something that I don’t generally do, and she told me about her father and showed me his picture.  I saw a dollar bill on the wall with PEACEWALKER written across it with a Sharpie.  I asked her about it and she said this fellow came in and gave it to her and asked for a meal.  She then said, “My father told me that if anyone ever came in hungry and couldn’t pay, that I should feed them.  They might be God.”  I left her a big tip.

1 comment:

  1. From Pam: Wow,what a great story from the waitress. I think Easy is an angel by the way.
