Sunday, August 19, 2012

Paxil-less road trip

My dog’s name is Paxil Zeitgeist.  Paxil, because she is my anti-depressant.  Zeitgeist, because that is the spirit of our times.  She will not be going with me on this trip.  Sigh...

She is 13 ½ years old.  In dog years, that makes her about the same age as my 96-year-old father.  She is not doing as well as my father right now.  Last week, she had a vestibular episode, which means that her inner ear isn’t working right.  Her sense of balance is out of whack and she couldn’t stand up for two days.  Now, she has a head tilt and still falls occasionally.  She is walking better now can even come up the stairs, slowly.  You can tell she is my dog, since she leans to the left.

Left, right, liberal, conservative?  Do these labels mean anything? 

There are areas where I am very conservative.  I want to conserve our natural resources.  I want to conserve my bank account.  I want to be fiscally responsible.

There are areas where I am very liberal.  I want liberal amounts of love, hope and compassion.  I don’t mind paying taxes to help people in need of food, shelter, health care and other things that can give them a safety net.  I am liberal in my view of freedom.  “Harm no one and do as you will.”

Part of my journey is to explore just this.  What is separating us in this country?  Is our nation doomed to be divided into left and right?  Are we unable to talk with each other about important issues anymore?  Are politics, religion and sex topics that are off the table? 

We often just agree to disagree.  While this may keep the peace, it is so damaging.  It is damaging to our relationships, because we can then only talk on a superficial level, smile and nod, and never connect in a deeper way.  I know, because this has happened with several of my family members.

It is also damaging to our country.  We have become so divided and often just hear fear and talking points, never really listening to what our friends and family are saying.  We avoid these subjects, and never reach out to heal what we have lost.  If we can’t talk about our differences, we are doomed to remain separate.

This road trip is unabashedly political.  I am attending the Democratic National Convention in Charlotte, North Carolina.  I will be volunteering to help there.  I will also be attending a conference on creating community in Louisa, Virginia.  How could I not go?

Why am I going?  Tune in next time…


  1. Ah, I so get the disconnect with family...the delicate dance of avoiding offending...gentle discussions just don't manifest, no matter how carefully you choose your words...hello segue into superficiality & a complete disconnect.

  2. Yes. Ironically, the sister I have been having the deepest conversations about death, religion and politics is one who has a form of bone cancer. I treasure these days with her.
